You already know that Simply Organized by Kari Jane is the best in organization for homes and businesses in Los Angeles, but did you know that we organize moves as well?? Moving can be one of the most intimidating and overwhelming tasks you will ever have to tackle, so why do it alone? SOKJ can make your move so much smoother, and to prove it we will give you some FREE expert tips below!
Getting back into a school routine after those lazy summer days can be stressful if you are unorganized. But we’ve put together a few tips to make your mornings a little easier this school year.
This week we were faced with the task of turning less space into less mess for a local Manhattan Beach based sports entertainment company. While many of the employees are in Rio for the 2016 Olympics, the Simply Organized by Kari Jane dream team took the gold here at home!
My client Social Spotlight Media, a boutique digital marketing and media relations agency in Los Angeles, wanted their new office space to be a cool and creative environment for the entire team. Based on our initial consultation, there were three areas I wanted to create within their 650 sq. ft. office unit: a general work area, a shelving system and a conference room.