
Happy Thanksgiving from Simply Organized by Kari Jane

We’ve created a Thanksgiving game plan to make this holiday ORGANIZED and stress free!

1)      The easiest way to take a little off of your plate is to delegate some of the Thanksgiving dishes. If you want an even lighter load, assign a full course to guests who offer to help out.

2)      Prepare what you can ahead of time. Also, go ahead and get out the appliances and serving dishes you will need.

3)      It can be stressful when too many people are in the kitchen. Set aside each recipe and their ingredients. When a guest offers to help they will have all of the instructions right in front of them!

4)      Don’t try to get too fancy – stick to the Thanksgiving staples. Your guests will be disappointed if there is no turkey, stuffing or pie!

We are filling up quickly! So, schedule a session with us now to get your home ready for all of your Thanksgiving guests!
